Each of you must take responsibility for
doing the creative best you can with
your own life. (Galatians 6:5 MSG)
SomeChristianstry to makeGodresponsible
for whatactuallyis their responsibility. Often
times, whensomething unpleasanthappens,
they’d conclude,“It’s the willofGod;otherwise,why
didHelet it happen?”Whatsuchpeopleneedtorealise
is that the authority to change things onearth, and
makeourlives asbeautifulaswedesire,hasbeengiven
to us. Youcan makeyour life gloriousbyliving out
In Matthew17:20,the LordJesus wasemphatic
whenHesaid,“...verilyI sayuntoyou,If yehavefaithas
agrainofmustardseed,yeshallsayuntothis mountain,
Removehenceto yonder place;andit shall remove;
andnothingshallbeimpossible untoyou.”Hemakesit
clearthat youcancreateyourvictoriouslife byacting
yourfaith onthe WordofGod.Healreadygaveyou
the measureoffaith yourequire to effectthe changes
In Mark9:23,Hesaid, “...all things arepossible
to himthat believeth.”Thequestionis, doyoubelieve?
If you do,then you have before you a life of endless
possibilities. Put the Word to work in your life, and
you’ll always be victorious .Don’t“wait” for His Word
to come to pass in your life; rather, you’re to work the
Word.Philippians 2:12 says, “…work out your own
salvation with fear and trembling.” Work out the Word
in your life and makeit produceresults. Usingyour
faith, youcanbewhatyouwantto be,change what
youwantto change,andachievewhateveryouwantto
achieve!Faithis ourcurrencyand“powerto do”in the
Godhasalreadygivenyouthe dominionandthe
authorityto createyourtriumphant life, byalteringthe
courseofeventsin yourlife toconformwithHisperfect
will.Keepliving in the Word,andthe gloryofGodwill
bemanifestin allyoudo.
Christis mylife and all I require; thus, mylife is
oneofendlessglory, joy, victories, successes, and
possibilities!I candoallthings through Christ,which
strengthensme.Nothingis impossible untome!I’m
abelieverin ChristJesus; therefore, apossessorofall
Mark 11:23; James 1: 22-25
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