


According to the eternal purpose which 
he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: In 
whom we have boldness and access with 
confidence by the faith of him 
(Ephesians 3:11-12).
s a t u r d a y 23
Some  people  marvel  at  us  sometimes  when 
we  pray,  wondering  why  we  could  be  so 
audacious  and  confident.  The  reason  we  pray  with 
such  authority  and  audacity  of  faith  is  that  we  pray 
in  the  Name  of  Jesus.  In  John  14:13,  Jesus  said, “...
whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, 
that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” 
The key is asking in His Name; living in the authority 
of His Name. Many, lacking this understanding pray 
“through” Jesus, instead of praying “in” the Name of 
Jesus.  There’s  a  great  difference  between  the  two. 
When you pray in the Name of Jesus, you’re exercising 
the full legal powers He gave you to act in His stead. 
But to pray through Him is to make Him a medium, 
which isn’t required now that you’re in Him. 
When you understand and have the consciousness, 
of the power and import of the Name of Jesus, and 
what it represents, you won’t have to try to “squeeze” 
up faith when you need it. When you pray or make 
demands  in  His  Name,  it’s  as  though  Jesus  Himself 
were speaking; everything responds to you the same 
way they would respond to Jesus. The angels, demon 
spirits, and all of nature respond to you as though they 
were hearing directly from Jesus. 
In Matthew 17:5, the Father spoke from heaven: 
“…This  is  my  beloved  Son,  in  whom  I  am  well 
pleased; hear ye him.”  He was telling all of creation, 
all  of  nature — animate  and  inanimate—to  hear  and 
obey Jesus. So, when Jesus said to ask anything in His 
Name and it’d happen, it was against this backdrop. 
He  meant  that  His  power  would  be  behind  our 
demands, prayers, requests, and instructions, to bring 
them to pass. This is the reason for our boldness and 
confidence in prayer.
Dear  Father,  I  thank  you  for  I  have  boldness  and 
access with confidence by the faith of Jesus Christ. 
And in His Name, I lay hold of my inheritance. The 
whole world is mine, because I’m a joint-heir with 
Christ. All of nature responds to me, blessed be God. 
John 16:23-24; Philippians 2:8-11

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