But be ye doers of the word, and not
hearers only, deceiving your own selves
(James 1:22)
m o n d a y 11
Many Christians have lived in the sense-realm
for too long. If they feel a headache, the first
thing that comes to their minds is the medication to
take. They’re not conscious that they have power over
sickness, disease, and infirmity; they’re not conscious
that they have the divine life.
The Christian is a partaker of the divine nature;
an associate of the God-kind. You have the very life
of God in you; that makes you more than a mere
man. Sickness really can’t, and shouldn’t thrive in your
body, because Christ is the life of your physical body.
His presence in you already gave life to your mortal
Why then are many still burdened with sickness
and ravaged by one health issue or the other? The
answer is clear: ignorance. The psalmist said, “They
know not, neither will they understand…” (Psalm
82:5). Jesus said concerning the believing ones, “They
shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly
thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on
the sick, and they shall recover” (Mark 16:18).
The above verse is a sovereign declaration of
Deity; it’s a present-hour reality, guaranteed to produce
results. Believe and act on it. Practise it for yourself, and
on others. Believing the Word and acting accordingly
is the way to make the Word effective in your life.
Faith is acting on the Word of God that you’ve
believed. If there’s no action, then there’s no faith, and
without faith, it’s impossible to please God. Faith is
standing your ground on the reality of the Word.
Yes, hearing the Word produces faith in you,
(Romans 10:17), but acting on it, living it out, is what
causes you to excel, prosper, and make progress in
life with giant strides.
I worship you, precious Lord, for your kindness and
infinite mercies. Thank you for making me a partaker
of the divine nature, an associate of the God-kind.
Your life and nature in me makes me more than a
mere man; I’m supernatural, excellent and full of
glory. I walk in, and manifest the dominion of Christ
today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
James 1:22-25; James 2:20-26
results. Believe and act on it. Practise it for yourself, and
on others. Believing the Word and acting accordingly
is the way to make the Word effective in your life.
Faith is acting on the Word of God that you’ve
believed. If there’s no action, then there’s no faith, and
without faith, it’s impossible to please God. Faith is
standing your ground on the reality of the Word.
Yes, hearing the Word produces faith in you,
(Romans 10:17), but acting on it, living it out, is what
causes you to excel, prosper, and make progress in
life with giant strides.
I worship you, precious Lord, for your kindness and
infinite mercies. Thank you for making me a partaker
of the divine nature, an associate of the God-kind.
Your life and nature in me makes me more than a
mere man; I’m supernatural, excellent and full of
glory. I walk in, and manifest the dominion of Christ
today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
James 1:22-25; James 2:20-26
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