


For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my 
spirit prayeth, but my understanding 
is unfruitful. What is it then? I will 
pray with the spirit, and I will pray 
with the understanding also: I will sing 
with the spirit, and I will sing with the 
understanding also
 (1 Corinthians 14:14-15).
t h u r s d a y 21
No matter how many earthly languages exist, 
there’re  not  enough  words  in  the  human 
vocabulary with which to adequately and accurately 
express yourself to God. Our human earthly vocabulary 
isn’t  pure  enough  to  commune  with  the  holy  God 
that our heavenly Father is. That’s the reason the Holy 
Spirit gave us a language, pure and holy, with which 
to communicate in a way that’s acceptable to God: 
praying in other tongues.  
Many only know how to pray in their understanding; 
that is, in their native language, but that won’t take you 
far enough. No matter how beautiful your words are in 
any earthly language, and how loaded with revelation 
they are, they’re no match for the pure language of 
the Spirit. 
It’s for this reason that Paul, by the Spirit, penned 
the words we read in the latter part of our opening 
verse. Notice that praying with the spirit comes before 
praying with the understanding. Sadly, some Christians 
would rather pray with their understanding first, and 
then pray with the spirit, if they do pray in the spirit 
at all. They’ve made praying with the spirit the “also,” 
and that’s the wrong order. 
Before  you  pray  with  your  understanding,  pray 
intensely and profusely first with the spirit. In fact, your 
praying in the understanding would be more effectual 
if you’d pray first with the spirit. And praying with the 
spirit doesn’t mean shutting your eyes and being mute, 
hoping that somehow, God’s looking into your sincere 
heart to know what you want; no. It means praying in 
tongues; praying in the language of the Spirit—a divine 
coded language. Your mind can’t interpret what you’re 
saying, but in the realm of the spirit, you’re speaking 
The  devil  and  his  cohorts  of  darkness  are 
confounded when we pray in other tongues, for it’s an 
esoteric language for our direct communication with 
our heavenly Father. What a privilege and blessing to 
be able to access and speak forth divine mysteries and 
secrets from the realm of the Spirit. Blessed be God!  
Dear Father, I thank you for the blessing and privilege 
of being able to speak in tongues. My life is excellent 
and full of glory because of the awesome ministry of 
the Holy Spirit in me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. 
Luke 18:1; Romans 8:26-27; Jude 1:20 AMPC

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