

Disciples' Team Colours

Disciples’ Team Colours
Team colours are the mark of identity for every team. Different teams have their various colours and these colours can be used to spot out team members from a crowd. In sports especially, team colours are used for identification on the field of play and also among the crowd of supporters. For example the team colours of the Super Eagles of Nigeria is the green shirt and shorts with touches of white. Whenever the Super Eagles take to the field in these colours, they are easily spotted out as they run around the green grass, and their fans are also identified cheering the team on from their seats in the stadium as they wear various replicas of the team uniform and hoist the national flag.
When it comes to the disciples of Christ Jesus, what can we say is their mark of identity—their team colours? In our contemporary world, there are many things that are used to identify Jesus’ disciples or Christians, as they are popularly called. Examples of those things are the church, the cross, the bible, Sunday services, and so on. But what does the Master of the team, the Owner of the disciples—Jesus Christ—have to say about the mark of identity of His followers?
In John 13:34, Jesus gave His disciples along with anyone who would want to  become His disciple a command; to love one another just as He has loved them. He then goes on to tell what should be the mark of identity of His followers.
“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35)
Isn’t it interesting that Jesus doesn’t say that it is by attending church services or breaking bread or wearing a crucifix and speaking “christianese” that His disciples will be identified? Doesn’t it change our orientation that as Christians, our Master was more concerned with us loving one another than developing a well structured religion?
Jesus was more concerned about His disciples loving one another and being known for that love. And just as He called His first disciples toward love, He also calls us today as those who have chosen to be His disciples to live a life of love and be known for that love.  He calls us to come away from the busyness of futile activities and simply love, as if it was the most natural thing to do. Because we are members of a Body that is dominated by love, a Body that is called Love.


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