

Dear Jambite.


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Dear fresher,
I am so happy you got into university. Whether it was your first choice, insurance choice or through clearing, you got into higher institution and that is a big deal. Well done! I want you to know that God has so much more in store for you where you are going. So much more than you ever thought or imagined.
Your university experience is what you make of it. First things first, find a church!  You do not have to settle into the first church you visit, but when you settle into one, be wholly committed to it. Find mentors and accountability partners within that body.
!Image result for church

Find a church
Also, do you know all the campus fellowships in your university? You can find them here. Follow the campus fellowships on social media, make sure you connect with them, and get involved in all their activities.
I am sure you have heard a lot advises from people. Some of them were just jokes and banter but you better take the rest of them seriously. People that have gone ahead of you made certain mistakes they wouldn’t want you to make which is what the hashtag is for. There is so much to learn from my blog.
A lot of young people started their business when they were in university. Thanks to student finance and the network of people that university exposes you to, you can turn your passion into a business that can provide extra income for you. Before I end this letter to you, I want to ask you, no, beg you to never depend on yourself. I know you have received a lot of advice and suggestions on what you should do or not do when you are in university but there is only so much you can do by your own strength.
You must have heard of all the things that get down in university and thought “I am super saved, well saved in fact and would never do any of that.’’ That is great, I thought the same too but never depend on your strength. Trust in the Lord with all your heart for every area of your life including how to manage your time, form relationships and stay above sin.
Flee from every appearance of evil !
Trust in the Lord with all your heart for every area of your lifeImage result for academics
Don’t think that because you have been saved before you got to university, you speak in tongues and prophesy you won’t be tempted. You may not do what others are doing like clubbing and drinking, but always check the condition of your heart. Strive to protect your purity at all costs and that can only be done by intentionally loving God and going into deeper intimacy with Him.
Even if you do not already have a relationship with God, know that God wants to have a relationship with you. Your uni space and time at university is a great opportunity to develop an intimate relationship with the Father who loves you.
No matter where you are in your faith, find someone you can be accountable to, but most importantly be accountable to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the best accountability partner. He is always there, he doesn’t have double standards and he will always tell you the truth. Stay away from anything that would cause you to quench the Holy Spirit or affect your sensitivity to his voice.
The Holy Spirit is the best accountability partner.Image result for holy spirit
Again, do not depend on your own strength or ability, but depend only on God and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in everything
I'm always praying for you. It is because of you that I created this platform in the first place. Feel free to contact me at anytime you have any questions or need someone to pray with you.
I pray that God will guard your heart. I pray that your purpose for going to that university will be fulfilled and you will not look back on any part of your university years with regret.
Love and Light,
Johnstone Kpilaakaa.

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*** This letter was first published on Lively Stones' Blog
 ** It has been revised for Nigerian University students by me

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