

Rims Luka : My New Year Wishes to Everyone


I am Rims Luka and with so much joy in my heart i want to congratulate each and everyone of you who made it to 2018 it wasnt easy at all through the rough times in 2017 but God has been so faithful beyond reasonable doubt. It is not of him that runneth nor of him that willeth but by God who showeth mercy. It is not by power nor by might but by my spirit says the lord. In all this God has been so faithful even when it seems like though there is no hope God stood firmly beside us.Sometimes things felt broken and things at times seems not to be working well for us in 2017 but i tell you one thing God still remains the one and only faithful God. At this juncture i would like to express my profound gratitude to God Almighty for his faithfulness and life to see yet another successful year, my earnest prayer to all of you reading this that my God will never forsake you this year. This shall be a year of abundance and favour also is your portion this year in Jesus name. HAPPY NEW YEAR  enjoy the best of the year with God being your ultimate source.

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